一般居士服:不受限制,適用於在家禪修、禮佛。 海青:受三皈依者可用,供禮佛之用。 縵衣:受五戒或菩薩戒的居士或出家僧眾着用。 居士服意思. 在佛教中,居士服是給在家人信徒穿著的服裝。
Piran is a town in southwestern Slovenia on the Gulf of Piran on the Adriatic Sea. It is one of the three major towns of Slovenian Istria. The town is known for its medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. Piran is the administrative seat of the Municipality of Piran and one of Slovenias major tourist attractions.
龍龜,相傳為龍的九子之一,是一種有著龍頭龜身的神獸,能避邪、制煞、化沖、解厄、鎮宅、招財、聚財,是權力和長壽的象徵。 龍龜張嘴露。